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Whenever I suspect the validity of my Twin Flame I notice synchronicity numbers. Are these numbers a sufficient reason to believe she is? - Awaken with Pradnyaa

Whenever I suspect the validity of my Twin Flame I notice synchronicity numbers. Are these numbers a sufficient reason to believe she is?

Having a doubt if someone is your twin flame is an integral part of the twin flame journey. Validation of a twin flame is not something, which you can check by pressing a YES-NO button.

When we learn about twin flames, there is a phase where we keep validating it with the life events which happened in the past or are happening in the present with our supposed twin flame. There are doubts / if and buts…but ones you are through this phase, you will realize in your own gut, if this person is your twin flame or not. IT is definitely a matter of time.

When I was in this phase of validating my connection, I used to go back and start to play the movie of our story again…from different angles. How we met, what happened, why it happened….and slowly i started connecting the dots. It all started revealing answers to my unanswered questions…and it all started making sense. I could identify a very definite pattern of connection and separation. I could connect to the runner chaser scenario. I could find an answer with a twin flame concept to my un-explainable and unconditional love for my twin flame. As till then I used to wonder why the hell I was loving this person from all the people in this world in spite of he hurting me and hating me.

About synchronic number sequences:

When you start noticing number sequences, KNOW that you are raising your awareness levels and your spirit guides are trying to make you notice those numbers, so that you start paying attention to them and start asking yourself WHY. They are communicating with you through these numbers.

Such number communication is not necessarily about a twin flame or TF union. Anyone who is awakening, and is on the Ascension, but NOT a twin flame, also can notice synchronic numbers.

What you need to do is, “watch your thoughts” when you see such number sequences. That can tell you more about why you are seeing these numbers.

Twin flame synchronicity: is more than seeing number sequences. Try to figure out if there have been any synchronic events happened in your journey so far. (If you want to know more about Twin Flame Synchronicity – Read about it here.

About things which can help you validate twin flame connection: Read here.

Originally Answered December 9, 2017

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