Connecting with higher realms

Connecting with higher realms happens naturally as well one intentionally acquiring certain skills with spiritual practices or spiritual disciplines, which may include prayer, meditation, chanting, breathing exercises and ceremonies or rituals.

twin flame dreams
What does it mean when you dream of your twin flame?

Twin flame dreams have a very very great significance in the twin flame journey. When…

The true teachings of Kundalini Yoga – Part 1

As most of you are on a spiritual path, very frequently people keep asking about…

How to listen to your Higher Self

There have been many people who have been requesting information on this topic. I always…

Current energies: A message from higher realms

Everything that’s happening in the external right now, the global crisis, there are layers as…

The Power of Prayer
Importance of Prayer – 6 things you should know!

Praying is restoring the self love in yourself! – regardless of whether you are praying…