“As long as I live, you will live,
As long as I live
You will be remembered,
As long as I live, You will be Loved!”


“As long as I live, you will live,
As long as I live
You will be remembered,
As long as I live, You will be Loved!”


In the loving Memory of Dear Prasad

April 7, 1975 – April 15, 2021

I have received thousands of messages from all parts of the world, sending condolences, blessings, prayers, light, and love for Prasad.
He has received as much love as I have, from our dear Soul tribe – our soul brothers and sisters!
I want to express utmost gratitude from the bottom of my heart to everyone, who feels the same pain, ache, that I feel. Many have sent me messages of his visitations in their meditations and dreams, as he continues to be with us…

I can not put every message that I received, but this is my sincere effort to acknowledge all the love everyone has given him! And yes, it reaches him!


If any of you are sensing him and if he is connecting with you, please feel free to message me! ☺️

A Bhajan (Devotional Song) sung by Prasad.

What an impressive and awe-inspiring journey you have both had! He was only 46.
Yes, a very young age to go but look at what he has achieved in this short life.  He led all of us by leading you.
His leaving this world is part of the Divine Plan. And this journey was never about us, it was always about something much higher, the Purpose, so we surrender and continue to play our role in that Divine Plan. This journey was never about our physical selves, it was about our souls. And as a soul, he will always be with you.

Yes, he truly fulfilled his purpose here and made God, his guides proud. When he crossed over, I saw/felt like everybody out there in the spirit world was patting his back and applauding, just like how people pat and applaud, saying ‘well played!’ when cricket players return to the pavilion after the match.
Infinite love and gratitude to you and Prasad. -Aanchal

Channeled Message, given by Aurora Shele (Channel Medium)
Pradnyaa, I feel he is your angel guide now. He is looking over you and will do so forever.
Here is his message:
I want you to know that I am okay. I know the pain you’re in right now and I am sorry you’re going through it. I don’t want you to suffer. You are stronger than you think you are. Yes, it was part of the plan and the part of that plan is that we have free will. I exercised mine. You don’t have to suffer. You might choose to communicate with spirits better. You might play music and connect to spirits through it. Never forget you are loved and I am around. Listen to your own knowledge. You are stronger and smarter than you think you are. Love, Prasad.

He was an Ancient-Modern King and everything he did his whole life was to awaken the Divine Feminine. His name is the clue to everything you are to teach here on this planet. Analyze his name throughout our ancestry who shared his name. His name is your answer to your shared mission here on this planet which you’ve already been doing for years now. Pandit, the sacred scholar, the one who conducts sacred ceremonies to bring divine knowledge to earth. You are this planet’s, Postmodern Pandit.

He is always guiding you. He always was. He was your guru. He is still. He is guiding all of us who can understand him and listen to him. You are his Radha, his Moon. We are his gopis, his stars. – Roop Neelam

Pradnya, The news of Prasad passing away has been utterly shocking for me as it has been for many. A sudden new turn in your journey, and most certainly the toughest one ever. I remember the moment I got the news and how I felt about this huge loss. I didn’t know you personally, you were close to me only through your answers till that point. So I didn’t understand why I broke down as I got to know about him passing away. For the next 3 hours I cried my eyes out, and it was weird because I almost felt like I lost my own beloved. It’s only after gathering my thoughts and emotions that I realized he was close to me too, through the closeness I shared with you. We didn’t exchange words much, we exchanged energies of love, that connected us.

I have developed immense respect towards Prasad since the time I’ve started reading your answers. I have respected his mature decisions, I’ve admired his way of expressing to you how much he loves you. In a way, his and your connection was so very comforting to me. The collective has been in immense pain for the loss of this beautiful human being, however, it was only one step, one painful step, towards exploring the connection and the truths of the universe beyond our little understanding. Prasad is now integrated with you, and has been giving you, and thus giving us, so much knowledge about this universe, for which we’re utterly grateful. I send all my respect and love to the illuminated soul that Prasad is. May God bless his soul. May the infinite love between you and him find the seekers of soulful love and lead them towards finding their true selves and vibrating in the energy of unconditional love. Tapasi

Pradnyaa, I pray for peace to his soul. 🙏 Shiv Stuti

Pradnyaa, I still can’t fathom this; don’t know how to process it but what I do know with surety is that he is with you in spirit and will always be with you to carry on the mission on this planet. My heart goes out to you and him. You have been rock-solid support to many like me when we realized about this journey. And as you said your learnings came in because of him and his presence in your life. And so, I want to thank him as well for teaching us indirectly about so many life lessons. He is with you all the time and we shall follow you both on this journey called life. He is in my prayers. Sending love and a warm hug to you ❤️ May he continue to share his light with you and us, through you. Much love ❤️ – Arpithaa B

May his soul rest in peace
After ascending the heaven
And finding its right place
Forgetting all the worldly troubles and agonies
Not to mention the traumatic death
May his soul rest in peace
After finding its own identity
In the realm of spirits
And adjusting itself in the heaven
May there be light to guide his soul
To his goal
May his soul be with you always
Watching you in every act you do
Guiding you always
To the right path wherever it is!
Hima Bindu

Pradnyaa, All that has been learned from physical separations will serve you well and Prasad will be with you as much if not more strongly than ever. You two will now work together differently to help others. He will have a different perspective to bring to your wise words as you both are working as one to enlighten others. Nothing has really ended that matters. He survived and thrives even now, alongside and within you. – Ruth

Pradnyaa, My thoughts are with you, I am sorry for the loss, I wish you continued to hope and love on your journey. I am grateful for the divine wisdom you have always shared so generously here, you and he are a beacon of compassionate and unconditional love. – BCM

Pradnyaa, Sending you love. He was too young to leave the physical realm. He will continue to be with you and assist further in your mission in spirit. Glad you both reached a milestone in your journey before he left. You have many more milestones ahead and he is with you at every step. Your entire soul brotherhood and sisterhood mourns with you and joins in to share your grief. Hugs to you. – Alka

Pradnyaa, No doubt he will be helping you from the other side Pradnya. You both may have planned this before you came into the earth plane. Your journey will continue! Thank you for sharing your experience. It continues to help so many of us! God bless!- Charmine

Pradnyaa, He was a beautiful soul and will be missed in the physical. I am here if you need anything ❤️❤️❤️ – Karen

A Spiritual Homage to Eternal Love
©Alka Balain

The poem has been written in honor of the spirit: the eternal, present in you and me.
It is an ode dedicated to ‘Prasadnya’
Dedicated to all twin flames who lost their counterpart in 3D.
The caravan continues to transcend to the higher dimensions……

A light of love, Prasad lit in Pradnya’s soul
that spreads from her to all around.
What an ascended being he ought to be,
unconsciously sets out to illuminate humanity.

Prasad and Pradnya’s story, engraved forever
in the energetic imprint of the cosmos,
like Dante-Beatrice and Rumi-Shams where
the counterpart left behind a light of love,
when their spirit transitioned to a higher realm.

Prasad was here for a while, and now he is not,
Pradnya’s soul ripped apart by the unprecedented loss.
Teary eyes numbed body, in wrenching pain, she asks,
‘Why did you leave me after filling my soul with sublime love?’

Pradnya’s sighs reach beyond the earth and a
cardinal alights wearing a holy crown,
the heavens delight blessing Pradnya and Prasad,
showering petals of sacred love.

The loss of love mourned not only by Pradnya,
but also lovers of soul share her grief.
Pradnya lament not, for what is eternal cannot be lost;
in your grace, in your breath, in your words,
in you and around, Prasad and Divine reside.

Prasad now dwells in a state of glory —
an expanded ascended consciousness
synergizes Pradnyaa’s light.

Prasad is with Pradnya at every step of her life,
holding her hand and soul, clearing the path,
for her to ascend on earth and higher above
as she leads the collective along.

Prasad feels elated in what Pradnyaa has set forth on,
helping and guiding the community in their journey
to reach a supreme state of love.

Glory and peace to an enlightened Prasad as he
enthrones the center of the Golden Lotus,
Pradnyaa’s eternal abode filled with love.

This was my view about you both always! And I don’t want to write separately about Prasad … Because I am sure he would love to be addressed as Prasadnya. He is you .. u both are not separate.. so I chose or let’s say I was lead to write about “Prasadnya.” – Susmitha

A Gift of love,
A Speck of Light
A Ray of Hope,
To fight the dark
To pave the way,
Into the Light
To Awaken the spirit,
That lay latent
To Break the barriers
That kept us, humans
Away from the Divine
A soul was gifted
As an answer to the Prayer
That Mother Earth has sought
To bring all her children
To their new home,
A New Earth!
The wondrous Soul,
Split into two
As the Divine always,
Worked as a pair
The Divine’s”Gift”,
As an answer
To the “Prayer”,
Are now twin flames
Prasad – A embodiment of Shiva, The Divine Masculine
Pradnya – His counterpart Shakti, The Divine Feminine
Together they lead the world
Walking the path,
That hasn’t been taken
Never before
Together, they have shown to us
That love is the vibration
of this whole creation
Never lived together
but never stayed apart
As their love for each other
is as pure as the grace of God
A love, which transcends beyond
these bodies, minds, and illusions
A love that transcends above
space and time
A love that stands for eternity!
A love that brings a soul to its home!

Thank you Prasadnya for volunteering to guide us back home!!

Pradnyaa, I felt a sharp pain, connecting with yours. I cannot imagine the sorrow and the loss you are suffering right now… my prayers and my heart are with you both. I pray for Prasad’s soul, may he find the most loving peace and comfort back in union with the source. I do not doubt he’ll always be by your side supporting you every step of the way. You are love, you are loved, and for the love that you are, you are always in union with him.– Nancy

Pradnyaa, May God grant him heaven and thank you so much for all that you are doing. I am so glad to be knowing you and I wish you the best❤️ I wish also that I can meet up with you one day. I love your soul and thanks 🙏 😊🌷❤️ – Sara John

Pradnyaa, Sorry doesn’t feel to be enough for your grief. The journey you have shared with so many wouldn’t have happened had it not been for your soul partner. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. Thank you Pradnya and thanks to Prasad for helping me and many many others. Sending so much love to you and Prasad ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️– Sophia

Pradnyaa, Feeling your love, your strength, and your pain…..we, as humans see this as parting and parting, is always difficult…I just saw your video and know that you are feeling much better now. You and he will be in my prayers. I read your posts for guidance in my journey and hope you will accomplish your mission now more so with him being with you fully…loads of love. – Tina Gill

Pradnyaa, My deepest sympathies, but what a beautiful love you had and will always share with him. Thank you for sharing all of the encouragement you have given to us. Be well, know peace, and always feel love. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 – Rodrig

Pradnyaa, I have followed you and you have been an inspiration for me and my twin flame journey. I send healing prayers for you and him. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 – Celeste

Pradnyaa, May he Rest In Peace. Your work together and your love for each other will continue, I hope you find comfort in knowing that.- Rebecca

Pradnyaa, My prayers, and peace to you both. Absolutely his soul will comfort you and you both be at peace.. Gayathri V

Pradnyaa, I have followed your journey with awakened eyes, and thank you so much for sharing it with us all. It has really helped me on my journey. God bless Prasad, and may he be at peace. A different journey now for the two of you, but always connected. Peace comes from knowing that only Love is real 🙏💞 – Emily

Pradnyaa, This is so courageous of you to share it with all of us. He had completed his part in your life, and he prepared you entirely for the upcoming phases of your life. May his soul rest in peace and may God give you enough strength to move ahead on your journey peacefully. Neha Malhotra

Pradnyaa, Thanks for your courage. You have been a comfort to me from the beginning of my young journey. Prasad brought you to us by enriching your life and opening your eyes to so much wisdom. I am grateful to him for that and for you. Love and comfort💖🌹 – Grace.

Pradnyaa, I know he will be watching over you from where he once came. I hope you are doing better today and every day.💖 – Shimaira

Pradnyaa, Last night during my late-night meditation you and he appeared and were surrounded by the most incredible, beautiful light. Now I know, why. Sending Love and light your way. ❤️❤️ Sharon

Pradnyaa, Praying for both of you- and sending much love. 💗 – May Davis

May he rest in peace and join you fully in his light body. All I will say is this is not the end. He will be back on the earth plane even if in his light body, and you will continue to be in a union, doing your beautiful work together. Divine love never ends. ❤️❤️Smita Garg

Pradnyaa, I can only imagine how excruciating this must be for you — and for him as well. I will hold you both and all others connected to you two, in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. Be well…. much love — Paul Peterhans

Pradnyaa, Your posts, your videos, your experiences shared have supported me on my own heart-breaking twin flame journey, through which I know we are all connected. May God bless him. There is really no barrier between this physical space and where he is resting. You are in union. – so much love ❤️ – April

Pradnyaa, He is more close to you now than ever! 💞👫💞 This was just a game, a movie in which the love you share was not played in the physical, but there will be time ( although time doesn’t exist) where you will be together fulfilling your mission! It will feel like a blink of an eye, and you will join together in spirit! Nothing is lost and there is no death!! You have your angel now, even closer to you than ever! God bless his soul in Eternity, Love, and Light!!! 🌠🌠🌠- Summer Silva

He connects!

Mam, I felt an intense pain I don’t know why and at that time I was not aware that I am moving towards a good connection with Prasad Sir telepathically. Being Masculine he is very compassionate and helpful. When he connects to me spiritually and telepathically I start doubting with my mind, but he has always pushed me forward to find reasons to believe my intuition. To be very frank he has helped me in overcoming addiction that I was unable to leave. He also taught me that I (being a twin flame), am always connected to my twin flame no matter where they are.  I never met him in person but I believe the physical meeting is not important when you connect to someone spiritually. He also has a message to all feminines to trust their instinct. 🙏 Namrata

Pradnyaa, He will be in my thoughts and prayers may he rest in peace and I pray God brings you and his family peace and comfort ..sending you lots of love – Karla

God bless you both. He will pull you faster and faster and be in you in the union. You would shine your light on many with his energy united with you. — Shweta Sriom Swami

Pradnyaa, Death doesn’t exist, just seeming separation does. That’s one of the things I discovered and felt in my flesh while on the journey. I’m pretty sure you know, but sometimes it’s better to hear twice. Prayers and Love – Carmelo Di Giorgio

Pradnyaa, I can feel your emotions through your words. I say a prayer for him and for you. Losing someone of such meaning in your life is one of the inevitable places we will all face one day. I believe in the end we will unite once again with our loved ones. – Gloria

Pradnyaa, I have read so many pieces of your guidance here, Thank you for your wisdom. I am praying for you, and him on this next chapter of your journey. You are a strong light, the two of you will still get through this together, I just feel it!!! Sending you so much love- Marisa

Pradnyaa, Sending thoughts and prayers 🙏 He was so young. To all those he touched here in the physical world may they all keep his memories alive. Now he is an angel and will continue to touch the souls of those in the afterlife. You were blessed to have him here for the time you did. May that be the strength you need to keep going. Much love. Sharyn Lisa

Pradnyaa, You’ve been a guiding light to all of us..Sending you all the love, strength, and prayers. We all are there for you… He indeed is a blessed soul, and he is always with you..❤❤ Manasi

“My spirit shall live on
even when I am taken away, I shall work with you all
for the deliverance of the world
the message of God.”