What is a Twin Flame?

Twin Flames! There is so much being said about this term that is has become a buzz word!! Anyone and everyone seem to have found their Twin Flame. Typically, most people come to the internet and start searching for this term and get confused after reading overwhelming and contradictory information about this term and the topic! There is no way to validate the authenticity of this information.

Here is my honest effort to define and help you understand what is a Twin Flame. There are many different theories and perspectives and opinions when it comes to defining this term. I not going to touch the other related explanations in this article, and will stick to the core definition.

First of all, I feel, “Twin Flame” is JUST a Label. People try to use such words to define concepts but it is quite limiting. I personally do not like this term, maybe the overuse of it (in distorted ways) has just put me off somehow. However, this phenomenon can be explained in many different perspectives.

In simple words:

We typically refer to the splitting of our own singular consciousness as a “Twin Flame”. You are both the same consciousness but experiencing yourself differently and allowing yourself to have different experiences for the purpose of coming together.

We all came from that unified source consciousness, that one unified spark of all that ever is, was, and will be. Yet as souls, we have our own consciousness, our own frequency, our own sovereign vibration. We get to choose as we have free will. It is hard sometimes to comprehend things in this very very dense linear mind we have, but there are an infinite amount of experiences and ways, in which we as souls can split ourselves.

Understanding Twin Flames In the perspective of Dimensions:

To give a little background to those who don’t know, we live in a multidimensional universe. A Dimension is a level of Consciousness. Human physicality is in the third dimension, a denser dimension which is the Dimension of physical matter. The Universe is a collective of Dimensions, and is the totality of existence, physical and non-physical.

Our soul exits in multiple dimensions co-currently as the soul is energy. When a single soul splits into two consciousnesses, there are two possibilities:

  1. Both drop into the physical form on earth – different physical forms (bodies)  a simultaneous incarnation of yourself, and assist each other on their mission.
  2. Your twin is holding themselves in higher consciousness, in a higher dimensional field, off the earth plane assisting you.

Split consciousness is a complete whole in itself. 

Some people describe Twin Flames as two halves of one soul.  However I don’t find it appropriate. Again, the language becomes a barrier when we try to explain complex quantum concepts.

When we say a soul splitting into ‘two halves’, one would typically visualize it like the image A below. The visual (and the understanding) would typically give you a notion that each half is only a half and not whole hence incomplete. Some start believing that we are missing a piece of us.

However, your split consciousness is a complete whole in itself. 

For eg. It would split like cells. When a cell splits into two, each new cell is a whole in itself. Twin flame consciousness splits in a similar manner. So even after that division they are whole.

Image A shows how people wrongly visualize “two halves.” Image B shows one cell getting divided into two and forming two new whole cells, which is how exactly the consciousness would split.

Identical Energetic Blue-print & frequency: 

We all are energy, our soul is energy. This energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Twin Flames, the split consciousness share the same energy and frequency. They are identical in their “energetic blueprint.”

For eg. Soul A1 has 1234455 as its frequency no., it’s twin flame Soul A2 will have the exact same energy and frequency. If you look at the Soul A’s soul family, these soul family members will have similar energy and frequency. For eg. Soul B may have 1234454 (only last digit changed)

As you share the same frequency with your Twin Flame, it results in an intense psychic connection.

If they are the same frequency, how can they be different from each other :

With free will the split consciousnesses will go their own ways and would choose what experiences they want for themselves. Hence they will choose different timelines, different planets, different settings to allow themselves to live those different experiences. Different parents, different cultures, different gender, and so on. Not just this life, but in many lives in the past, they have lived differently than each other, and have accumulated their own unique experiences, have learned different lessons, skills than each other. 

Important Pointers:

There are no rules: A twin can be in the physical or the non-physical.  If they are in the physical, they can be any gender, any age, any religion, any race. You both can be single, committed, married, divorced at the time you meet. They can meet you at any point of time in your life. They can have any sexual orientation.

Twin Flame connection is NOT a “conventional” romantic connection. There will be an intense sexual attraction but it is not a conventional template of a romantic relationship.

Purpose of Twin Flames:

This is a vast topic to talk about and I will be writing about it in detail.

Most people are associating the term Twin Flames, with relationships and sex; which is okay. It is very common for a 3-dimensional human to do that…but if you, as higher consciousness, chose to drop into the human form, along with your twin flame, your real purpose and the spiritual mission on the ‘earth plane’ is to be able to fulfill the blueprint you have with ease and grace.


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  • Dear Pradnya,
    I enjoyed immensely your video I’ve been looking for weeks about twin flames and you are the first person that makes any sense. I am 66 my twin flame Is 70 we have known each other through the Internet about six years he’s a man of great wisdom. I would look to him for spiritual advice always felt a good connection until three weeks ago I had a stroke started talking with him and one thing led to another I realized he was my other energy the first week was a emotional up-and-down turmoil. All the release I was going through not knowing it was a release. I think I am a very spiritual and intuitive person but he totally open me up to consciousness we have had the same experiences in our lives at one time or another . And we’re on other sides of the world so any help you can be for me to understand I would be grateful Namaste

    • Hi Deborah!
      Thank you so much for your response! I understand what you are talking about. 🙂
      I would recommend you to subscribe to my video channel if you haven’t already as I plan to increase the frequency of videos on my channel on various things people have been asking me, for…much love, to you!!

  • Dear Pradnyaa,

    Thank you for writing this article as I am able to relate to what you are sharing at a much personal and deeper level – I was going through a lot of churn and turmoil within for a decision that I took to move away from my DM energy – and to be honest I am feeling a very neutral feeling within — there is no sadness, anger, judgment – as we both want to complete our lives with our karmic partners in a whole and committed way.

    I, definitely have a lot of love for him – and i can feel his love – i just do not want to tell or share it with him as he does to me – why do we keep seeing these number patterns – is it just a coincidence?

    We both have come to an acceptance – we love each other unconditionally – there is an amazing connection – we love talking to each other – it seems our topics never seem to end – we motivate each other to better ourselves – yes there are certain things he put across to me earlier i am not able to forget – I know he comes from a space to be committed to his Karmic partner – and i truly respect and love him more what he is —

    So reading your article today – it just reassures my decision and way of handling both of us.

    Thank you once again and stay blessed!!

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