What are all of the stages of the twin flame union?

According to me, there are no stages as such. The stages are described just to explain the experience. I use the word “stages” just to explain that particular phase/experience.

The stages of twin flame journey are not linear. There is a possibility that if one has not learnt a certain lesson which he/she was supposed to learn in that stage, it will show up again.

There are two things –

First – The twin flame theory (which is basically an interpretation of the human mind – what twin flame and the journey is all about.)

Second – the actual (experience) twin flame journey.

The two may differ in certain things because of the obvious – the first originates from human perception which is limited. And the later – being the divine truth. Hence I won’t recommend to depend too much upon the theory, it can serve as a guideline though.

Your inner guidance is the most authentic and effective channel to understand and experience the true twin flame journey.

The twin flame theory typically describes the stages of TF journey. You can read them at so many places on different sites on the internet.

Here is my understanding about how a twin flame will go through an experience.

Recognition – where twin flames recognize each other at soul level. (they may not be aware of their real connection in their waking life.)

Crises – Will stir up all the past negativity / ego / truth finally causing one or both to run away from each other.

*Runner-chaser – One twin will be awaken and would try to get his/her twin back (Most of the important spiritual progress for one or both the twins will happen in this period)

*Surrender – This is the stage which is only related to the awakened twin. As he/she has done all that could be done ultimately leaving it up to God. In this phase too the awakened twin and the runner twin will progress tremendously spiritually.

*Illumination – This is the stage where both twins come together in harmony. Exchange thoughts are on the same page. Both are aware of the connection and confront it to each other. Validation for most of your beliefs is done in this stage. It is a very happy stage.

***Though…..after reaching illumination, there is a possibility that the pair will again move to runner-chaser stage and then to surrender stage – if any unresolved issues are yet to be sorted. Even after confrontations – one or both may not be really ready for the union. (coz of certain beliefs / commitments/ life situations)

*Bubble love – In this stage both the twins are very much in love with each other talking sweet things. This phase can happen in the beginning or it can happen after the runner stage or it can happen even after the surrender stage. Where both the twins are very much in love and express it openly. (some internet articles claim this stage to be in the beginning always, but that is not true.)

Union- This is the final stage. Which happens on 5 levels.

Physical, Etheric, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual.

I also feel that this union, after all the journey, is not about being in “conventional romantic” union and living happily ever after. It has higher purpose and most pairs would come together to do something – as a mission – for everyone’s highest good.

Disclaimer: There are many internet posts where they have mentioned yearning for the one as one of the stages. This is not true. Many of the twin flames meet for the first time at a very young age – where they are not even understanding what is love and relationships.
Romance / fairy tale relationship: is not at all true. Some may experience this but many twin flames have not even dated their twin flames. and have not involved in the typical romantic relationships.

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