Synchronicity and Twin Flames

As a twin flame, have you ever wondered if something that you experienced in your journey was really a coincidence or something way too much more than that? Most of us do and I think that is when we really start questioning what is really happening and start wondering what is it really all about!

When I experienced this phenomena in my journey for the first time, I called it a “miracle”! It was nothing less than a miracle; which happened at the right moment or a time at a right place when the expectancy and the probability of it happening was zero! And it actually left me thinking that this can not be random and this is not “normal!”

Most of us recognize this phenomena as – Synchronicity!
It simply means an inexplicable and profoundly meaningful coincidence that is related by meaningfulness rather than by cause and effect.

Synchronicity as a concept was first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung (1920). Jung’s belief was that, just as events may be connected by causality, they may also be connected by meaning. He coined this word and wrote a book by the same name – “Synchronicity – An Acausal Connecting Principle.” Jung was a believer of paranormal and he used the principle of synchronicity to argue for the existence of paranormal. Another believer in the paranormal, Arthur Koestler wrote extensively on synchronicity in his 1972 book “The Roots of Coincidence.”

Though Synchronicity is NOT exclusive to only twin flames and is experienced by anyone and everyone, twin flames experience synchronicity quite often. I feel that is because twin flames, on their spiritual journey start sensing, accepting and believing the existence of multiple realms and existence of energies at work in multiple dimensions.

I particularly started sensing that I was being “watched” and “looked after” and “guided” by someone out there because of the synchronous events which happened in my journey, even when I did not know what was it all about and when I did not know the word “twin flames.” In my journey, some co-unfolding events or instances that had no logical explanation, were really strange and almost impossible to deny. These events have been the game changers which put a milestone to my journey.

Synchronicity has helped me big time, to keep my faith on, hold on in the tough times when it is almost impossible to bear the pain, and have trust and faith in the higher realms and the guidance coming in from there.

To all those who are struggling with listening to their higher self or not being able to trust the synchronicity they are experiencing: My only suggestion to them is — Just Believe! It is 100% real and there is indeed someone out there who is helping you on your path. There is no need to fear and you are being guided!

Synchronicity helps us in the journey in 4 major area:

1. Awareness

Whatever is the level of synchronicity, it makes you ponder upon that there are things happening parallel to our human existence.  Such synchronicity gets us to think, ponder, get attention, get us to notice. By whom exactly is the question but generally we can say the Universe, angels, spirit guides, or God or the supreme source!

2. Realization

Synchronicity helps you realize that your connection is beyond earthly give and take, it is a divine connection.
For eg. The Divine repeatedly made my twin flame appear in front of me physically, when I least expected exactly when I was thinking of moving on. It made me realize that this connection was deeper and different and this synchronicity was a sign from higher realms to tell me that there was a greater purpose.

3. Validation

Synchronicity helps you validate that what you are feeling deep inside is true.
For eg. Some synchronic events made me realize that it was not my imagination and what I think about my twin flame, and what I believe is 100% true.

4. Guidance

Synchronicity guides you on the right path. Sometimes you are in confusion and don’t know what to do. At such times there will be signs which tell you that you are on the right path or not.

What is the most important thing here, is to keep watching your own thoughts and what you were thinking exactly the moment you notice the synchronicity. Most of the times it is answering, validating, guiding your that very thought.

Types of synchronicity

There are numerous or I can say infinite different creative ways, how the divine will show you the synchronicity. It is so very amazing and interesting to see how the Divine communicates with us through this phenomena. What I have listed here, is off course not a scientific classification of this experience but a general listing of different types of synchronicity we normally experience. All this synchronicity will either make you aware, make you realize something, validate your thought, or will guide you in the right direction.

Numbers – 

I was experiencing synchronicity all the time since I met my twin flame, but I started noticing ‘number’ sequences when my awakening was about to happen. I started noticing 111 and 1111, 222, 555 initially. Many people feel that seeing such number sequences is only related to twin flames; but that is not true. Anyone who has started being ‘aware’ would notice such number sequences.

The divine uses these number sequences to ‘wake you up’ and to get you noticed that there is something out there you need to seek. Many wonder, when they see number sequences that what are they telling them? It is most important to pay attention to your thought, the moment you noticed the numbers. Such communication is a personal communication and can not be generalized.

Number synchronicity deserves a separate article to elaborate more. I will write about it in the coming days!

Name  – 

This will typically show you the name of your twin flame, their initials or something related to their name, or their and your name together in most creative ways! It could be literally anywhere! On a sign board, hording, tv ad, news paper, magazine, product packing….Moreover, their name will also be accompanied by another message. ( For eg. a hording on which there is their name, the heading would be “find your way home” ) you could find it on most bizarre places especially when you are thinking about them, or trying to forget them, trying to move on, confused about your connection, doubting your connection.

Written Texts – 

This one is most common – seeing a message written somewhere which has a specific meaning to YOU. It may not make the meaning to others what it does for you! Most of the times it is an assurance to hold on, indication that you are on the right path or it validates your thought very strongly! And well, we see such messages literally everywhere! Right from our phone to books, magazines, office, outdoors, ads, roads and so on!

Here is an example of one such synchronicity, which was experienced by one of my Quora friends in London –

The Divine will show you how you are connected with your twin flame by validating it at the right moment, when you have doubt to guide you back to your soul path.

Visuals – 

This will connect your situations and thought with visuals or images. You were thinking of them and you saw someone exactly looking like them. Or someone wearing the same dress as their’s. Some picture or object which reminds you of their stuff (some image related to them, their car, shoes, house, their favorite color, dog etc.)

Classic eg. this image of Charlie Brown and Snoopy (below left) sitting at the deck holds a great significance for me. My twin flame used to put this image on his profile when he missed me. There have been so many instances when I saw these two characters in different situations along with some beautiful and profound messages. The Instagram image was the climax of all – where its the same image my twin flame used and Snoopy says, “The universe is the miracle to those who believe Charlie Brown.” and the description says, “Trust deeply that the universe has got your back and it will truly push you forth into greatness, love and freedom, flow and believe!”

Sound / Music  –

Music which is related to them. They like that particular song or tune, or they sing it themselves, or you both together have some memory about that song or the song has lyrics which give you some sort of an answer through it to what you were exactly thinking at the moment you heard it. Often we experience that we turn the radio and the same song is playing, or the song which is playing is an answer the question in your mind. Particular song pops up in your suggestion list of songs, someone is humming the tune…
Sound can too be a major element in synchronicity. Sound of a motor bike, ring tone, their voice, some particular sound which reminds you of them. For example: I had put a custom sound for his whatsapp messages. That particular sound use to play when he would send me a message. When we were in separation and when I used to wonder if he was thinking about me, that sound often would play from somewhere around me and I would hear it exactly at that moment.

Context –

Some synchronicities happen in terms of context. Something you see, hear or notice is highly relevant to your twin flame and your connection with them.

I will give you a very classic example of this. Once I was thinking, I have not sensed his energies around for quite a few days, I wonder if he is around? At that same moment, I noticed an Ad running on the TV. The ad which just finished, had it’s last words – “Your spiritual partner.” The ad which played the next was an ad of an insurance company; which started with their tagline – “Every moment with you!” — So what I actually heard was – “Your spiritual partner, every moment with you!”
The catch is – my twin flame works for the same insurance company. 
So there is a lot here giving a profound message in terms of the context.

Events –

The most strongest and profound of all is synchronicity happening as an event! There are several ways this can happen. For eg. Thinking of someone and then them calling you on the phone two minutes later! Such synchronicities can be so profound that they hold the power to change the entire course of your life or your journey.

I have personally had 3 such strongest and profound synchronicities related to the events which impacted my journey positively big time.

First time was, when I decided to give up on my twin flame for the first time after loving him for 5 years! I told myself that love and faith did not hold any value in this world and sadly I was walking towards my home that evening, and within 20 mins of me deciding that I want to move on, he came from nowhere and spoke to me! After 5 years of no talk.

This incident changed the course of our journey and the dynamics of our connection.

What has been YOUR experience with synchronicity? I would love to hear from you about your experiences. Please leave a comment about your experience in the comments section below at the bottom of the page. (click on ‘view comments’)
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  • Mam you are just wonderful. My TF has blocked me everywhere but I still feel very strong connection with him. Love him unconditionally .

    Your articles are superb and made me aware of lot many things.

    We shal connect soon

  • I had your home page open from yesterday and today I started googling the meaning of synchronicities in spirituality. I decided to take a look at your website and when I scrolled down the first blog article listed was about synchronicities. The universe works in funny ways.

  • I could relate to every word you have mentioned under synchronicities. I started angel numbers even before I met him, the candles in my house would form wings which was no less than magic. The first number I saw was 0000 post which it was 1111, 0707,0808,1311, 2121 all series. Everytime I would think about him suddenly out of no where a pic of his Jeep lookalike would appear on my phone. I would ask universe what is it ,? And immediately I see the hoarding saying ” ShivaShakti”. I would save his number with a msg tone and even though he never msgs i would hear that tone in early morning hours the time usually he wakes up. He would go to Bodh Gaya and next week I would get the leaf of sacred bodhi tree from a monk who hails from BodhGaya. I see feathers all over., Yellow butterflies. My social media feeds most carry divine guidance for me. Everytime I think to detach and move on my BP rises and I start getting palpitations. My body reacts to my thoughts of seperation. Recently I inducted a partner in my work who is his namesake. While typing emails he always pops on my mind. I go to a Shiva temple and same time he shares pic of his visit to Shiva temple. I mean the list is endless and its virtually turning me insane. The universe has gotten me into it and now eve. Allowing me to quit. Universe is talking to me every minute. The downloads are quite heavy though.

  • Hi Dear Pradnya
    Amazing Article.
    I Understood , what carl jung defined synchronicity as, in much deeper sense thanbefore ,after reading it.
    Your simple and streight forward way to explain anything , is actually a blessing in disguise. I feel completely validated and supported on my individual ascension.
    Keep guiding.
    Love and light.

    • Thank you so much Vinita.
      I wanted to ask you, if you would like to share your journey on my youtube channel, in a segment called empower hour?
      As you also mentioned about mt.shasta and your spiritual discoveries, I feel you must be having a lot of stuff which may add value to others.
      Do let me know! Chio

  • Hello ma’am loads of love.
    I don’t know whether I am on this twin journey or not but definitely ascending spiritualy everyday, feeling more one with the source.
    I started seeing 1111 alot then I met this person and the spiritual kick that I got was amazing..I was already a spiritual person but his abscence gave me a chance to experience all the things that I read and understood.
    I am enjoying this journey of spiritual ascension.
    Now a days
    I see 222,444 and 69, 96 alot..
    I am not able to understand the reason of 69 as there are lods of information and its kind of confusing.
    Please can you clarify.

  • Hi Pradnyaa, thanks for the reply. When you say that there’s more stuff to come, does it mean she is coming back to my life?coz I think I am doing much better without her presence..I have no bitterness against her but just don’t want her presence.

    • Nope not necessarily. By that what i meant to say is, on this journey your internal growth will happen in a very profound manner which we typically call Ascension.

  • I loved your article !!! I am from Atlanta , Georgia and while skiing in Park City , Utah in February I randomly met a man 10 years younger than me while sitting at a restaurant bar. After about ten minutes of him sharing a little about himself , ( and me admiring his incredible smile ), a voice entered my head spurting out the words “ I Love You”. Immediately my counter thoughts were WTH I don’t even know this man . But , as the evening continued and our connection became effortless , I silently acknowledged that my Twin Flame journey may be coming to fruition and that my Soul recognized this man before my 3D mind . My TF presented himself in a lucid dream four years ago , entering my bedroom while sleeping , elevating me off my bed , and holding me upright so I could see him in the mirror behind my bed . Our faces were both shocked staring into the mirror .. neither of us spoke . I didn’t recognize the man but what I knew was he was very tall , upwards of 6’4- 6’5. This man in Utah ( Michael ) is 6’5. Michael and I have kept in touch long distance and have journeyed to be together three times since our initial encounter . Each encounter is incredible and I part with him floating on air . I have never shared with Michael my intuition that we are Twin Flames . But , the synchronicities that keep occurring for myself keep reminding me I’m correct . The last one occurred two weeks ago this October when I travelled out to Utah to visit him. We decided to rent a cabin in the mountains to enjoy the fall foliage . I went online and picked the cabin from pictures I viewed . It was our first weekend spending an extended period of time together and the weekend couldn’t have been more magical . As we checked out of the cabin , my thoughts turned to could I really be this blessed to have found my TF/DM ?
    As we were about to walk out the door , Michael sees the Guestbook and asks me to come look at it . There on the open page was a list of three couples that had stayed in the cabin in prior months … Jen and Scott , Steve and Sarah … and on the top row instead of names .. the couple wrote Georgia &Utah 😊 ( dated August 20 .. Michael’s birthday ) . The Gut moment that occurred for me plus the synchronicity of the states , the smiley face , and the birthday were proof that my Angels wanted me to know YES He is !! Michael responded with “ that’s weird “…. I just smiled .

  • Hi Pradnyaa, great article. Been following your articles on quora as well. I was lucky to experience the twin flame love intensely and in separation stage curently of which I am comfortable with it as its nothing new for me. Have all the classic signs of twin flame love which is age difference (15 yrs),same birth date which is 5th(mines 5th Feb and hers 5th November)too much similarities in thoughts and experiences of life, short unions and longer separations and her loving someone else deeply and her being a runner and last but not least, I am being married to someone else when I met her.
    I wish I hadn’t met her..changed my life completely. Became more withdrawn from life but faring much much better now..

    • Thank you for sharing Rahul! I understand exactly what you are talking about!! Much more stuff to come!! Fasten your seat belt and get ready!!! 🙂

  • Thanks a lot. I always experience such ways in my life but, just to feel good without knowing what’s happening. As i read some today it’s ok now, am getting in touch. Thank you so much.

  • I have an insane connection that keeps popping up, but never gets anywhere. Yet the attraction is so strong as to be actually unsettling for periods of time long past the initial contact. Obviously the attraction is mutual, but every time he reaches out and makes contact – actual physical contact – and babbles about how we MUST make time for “this”… Then he runs away with promises as yet unkempt and will disappear or reject contact or even acknowledgment of any such contact. We literally ignore each other for sometimes weeks, until he decides to reach out again.. Wtf??? I asked him what he wanted and what was going on and held him at bay…and he insisted he wanted to get together…and then he did his running backward act again. I think I’m totally NUTS to be trying to read anything in to this beyond the fact I’m letting a sociopath play with my feelings. I can’t deny though, in my life I have never had such a strong, continuing attraction to anyone. Ever. What’s up? Am I just stupid and being played for malicious entertainment? Seems like a really dangerous game to play beyond an episode or two! This has been running on for far longer, without foreseeable resolve, as far as I can tell.

  • Wow! Truly appreciate your swift and positive response specially the hugs. See you on insta..

  • Hi Pradnya,

    I find myself lucky as I bumped into Quora to read more on twin flames and landed up finding you there. Trust me, you feel like a blessing. It feels that the universe directed me to you and is communicating with me via you. I am seeking information through you and not just seeking but converting the same into knowledge and wisdom and applying too. It isn’t easy; this journey is just not easy. It drains your energy out completely. I am in the phase when I am still figuring out all of that has happened and is happening with me since May 2019. I am learning and transforming as I am moving forward. It’s intense but this pain is beautiful too at the same time. I have learnt the real meaning of surrender by reading you. On that note; I would like to say thanks to you for coming in my life at the moment when it was the most needed. I feel like hugging you and crying. I don’t think anyone can understand me, my pain and this journey better than you. God bless you!

    • Thank you Arpeeta for your warm words!! I am glad to know that what I have shared has added value to you in some way. Lots of hugs to you!!
      If you are on Instagram, you can follow me at It is easier to interact there if at all you want to.

  • Hi Pradnya,
    Nice article. I wud request you to make video on cord cutting. I know u don’t recommend it but after seeing this YouTube channel I m confused as they say your good deeds r transferred to your twinflame n somewhere I read dm takes energy from u n transfers it to karmic. How teue it is? Plz make a video on energy exchange dynamics. Also it is said tf share same chakra n dna. But if dm is married then during marriage ceremony the pheras r called chakra bandhan kriya that means chakras r tied to spouse then how can df hv same chakras also dna of dm is changed with intimacy with karmic so how can they hv same dna in present scenario. Plz help n plz provide your email. Thanks. Malvika

    • I tried clicking on the video you sent but it is removed from the user.

      According to my understanding – from what you have written – Your good deeds are transferred to your twin flame – crap. Your deed, your karma is your karma. Off course you and your twin are one soul – but while being in human body you are not transferring any deed to them. no.

      DM transfers energy to karmic – crap. Chakra is tied to spouse – crap. Chakras are energy and it is free flowing it can not be tied to anything.
      I dont know from where these people are getting such ideas. Good they removed the video. Be careful which videos you watch.

      My email is

      I am indeed in the process of setting up my channel, i will definitely do a video on cord cutting.

  • Finding you is such a blessing! My whole life has been turned upside down, literally! I’ve felt so very alone, twin flame separation, Ascension, just recovering from cancer, depression, anxiety. Moved in September to Florida to be with my family after leaving my old life behind, something I was guided to do which literally saved my life. Everyone and I mean everyone was so hurtful to me, it was like I was alone. Now I’m not but still feeling that way! Did I mention drug addiction!! I’ve been saved! Touched by God, source, angels!!!! I’m so very grateful and searching for my purpose, thank you so much your site is extremely helpful.

    • Hi Deborah,
      Thank you so much for reaching out! I can relate to your experience completely. Never mind, we al are in the same boat and I am sure we will sail through. Much love to you!!

  • Wow. Thank you for this inspiring article. Its funn i had a syncronicity earlier today before i read this article. I saw his first name in an article and the time was 11:33AM. That blew me away. Other times:
    1) repeated numbers , at least once a day. 2) if i tried to forget , i suddenly heard a male voice like his from a utube video series my son was watching. 3) i woke tofind that my phone had a list of different facebook members with the same exact name but i never consciously looked him up. 4) when i didnt see him for almost a monthat work, there was a supervisor that i worked under eho had the same mannerisms and temperment as he did but they looked nothing alike. 5) at work this katie perry song kept playing when i tried to forget him ” NEVER REALLY OVER.” I wanted to almost scream. 6) One work day, there were multiple twin customers and even parent-child and siblings who looked alike. I didnt understand why i was seeing too many on that particular day
    There were many more instances but those were the most recent.

  • This is a great article – I’ve been given so many great signs and synchronicities on my journey it would take me days to write them all down. The past few days I’ve been bombarded (gratefully) with some very specific ones. Last night I went to bed questioning if perhaps I was only seeing what I want to see. so this article has given me the clarity I needed. I’m taking that as a sign 🙂

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