How to listen to your Higher Self

There have been many people who have been requesting information on this topic. I always receive emails and messages from people who are utterly confused and stuck in their life situations, their twin flame journey, their awakening experience which has turned their life upside down! There is pain, ambiguity and chaos inside them! What happens next is – many start seeking solace from seeking OUTSIDE information – readings, tarots, psychics, predictions and so on!

An outside in approach, where YOU are always clueless, in someone else’s control and hence vulnerable!

What most people forget is that they are energetic beings and are always connected to the infinite wisdom directly from the supreme source! The Divine is always communicating with us energetically but I see many people struggling with the idea of their soul being existent as multidimensional and trusting the energetic communication from the universe, through their intuition, their own inner voice, their Higher Self!

Your inner voice – your higher self is the most authentic source for seeking information, knowledge and guidance. Your higher self is always connected to your spiritual mentors, guides, angels, light team – whatever you want to call them. When we start anchoring and holding into higher frequencies in our body, we reconnect / connect with our higher self as well as the higher dimensional beings around us. Now the question comes, how do we really go about connecting with our higher self?

How do you connect and communicate telepathically with your higher self?

As we are in a very dense frequency, (on earth in the physical body ) it is difficult to remember how to be energetic beings. The higher self is an aspect you that is energy and you are too an energy. When you start connecting to higher self, energy is connecting to the energy. Same holds true with any higher dimensional consciousness or being. Energy is connecting to the energy.

The way you communicate, connect, the way you align is all energetic. That means – the ego and the personality, the ‘physicality’ part of you – keeps itself out of this scenario. Hence the mode of your communication is telepathic. The energetic aspect of you communicating with these energetic beings.

Your neurological backbone – your spine – is your integrity. From the top of the head ( the soft spot of the baby’s head) till all the way down the perineum. That is what we call neutral channel. This channel moves through your body – which is designed to move the energy through. So your higher self which is stored and hanging around your 8th energy center ( the crown chakra), its always moving through your body.

So when you communicate with your higher self, it is an energetic frequency – which moves through into your channel – it is dissected by you and a lot of times when these guides and your higher self speak to you, it sounds like your own voice. Mainly because it is filtered right through the mind, right through the brain.

When you hear it – you hear the energy as words – that is how lot of us dissect it. You dissect the energy and filter it through your vocabulary. You don’t consciously know that you are doing this; but as energetic beings, we communicate telepathically. It’s natural. We are designed like that.

How can you listen to your higher self?

Actually it happens to most of us  – we hear our higher self all the time, we are hearing our guides all the time; but we don’t just trust it and hence we are ignoring it. So first of all, you need to do some trial and error and just trust! Just believe! That’s it, it is that simple. Believe what you hear!

Most of the times it becomes challenging because of our ego mind. We are living in duality, in 3rd dimension. So our ego will make us think about right-wrong, good-bad, yes-no and make judgments. So when you are paying attention and listening to the voice in your head, observe what tone does it have? What does it feel like? Is it telling you that  – you should do this, and shouldn’t do that? – Is it telling you – this is the right thing and this is the wrong thing to do? –  Is it sounding – I am lazy and I need to get up?
If yes, then your EGO is telling you this, your ego is very judgmental and demanding. It will tell you what to do, what you should do.

Your higher self (or your guides) will speak with you in simple statements. Go for a walk. Rest. Start to write. Start a journal. Go for the musical evening. Go on that trip. Call this person. Start working on the new project…. there is no emotion attached to these statements other than pure love.

That is how you really dissect it. Is what you are hearing a should or shouldn’t statement? Is it telling you about right or wrong? or is it JUST a statement?

How do you differentiate between your higher self and your ego?

A lot of people have this idea that guides, the higher dimensional beings or their higher self is going to sound different. It is probable going to be some random heavy voice from some outer space – it’s going to come in – and you will hear – “YOUU ARREE SUPPOSE TO DOO THIISS..!” 🙂 Well, that’s not the way it works. It literally sounds like YOU. When you get familier with this practice, you can recognize it, you feel it, you know it.

How do you practice: When you hear something, you need to literally start dissecting – what is in your head? – and keep doing it whenever it is being possible for you throughout the day. Lot of us don’t because we are really really busy, and our minds are engaged. We are not really able to listen to whats coming in, but I guarantee you, I promise you, right now, you are connected, aligned and hearing the higher self an your guides. It is just a matter of quieting to listen. It is a matter of dissecting it what voice is it; which is going to sound like YOU, it is being filtered by you, so off course!

So throughout the day, start to get really, actually getting aware of what you ar hearing in your head. Dissect it as if you are a scientist. Start to trust and start to play by doing trial and error.

You have to start playing this instead of saying – I can’t hear anything. Yes, you can hear! Stop for a moment, quiet the mind, just trust and listen to what you are hearing. Sometimes the mind chatter can get so loud that it is difficult to hear. Start quieting the mind by just sitting for a moment and doing nothing. Thats the best way to quiet your mind.

The ideal state to be in:

It is all about practicing it, till your body is completely able to embody the higher self, a lot of actual frequency of your higher self is going to feel outside of you. Embodying your higher frequency means – your frequency inside your body starts to increase to a frequency that can now hold and merge with your higher self – and then you start being your higher self throughout your day.

As if you are both – your ego personality as well as your higher self navigating your world. But until that embodiment – it is going to feel like the higher self is sort of distant. And off course, the higher dimensional beings, are in different dimensional realms, outside of you. 

You are now walking about your day, you are now increasing your frequency and starting to connect  and align with not only the higher self but these higher dimensional beings – the energetic forces vibrating and moving through your channel and you are starting to hear things.

Hope this was useful. Do trial and error. Dissect the voices. It’s going to sound like you, but the more you do this, the more you are going to be able to be clear and listen to your higher self!

What have been your ways and experience when connecting with your higher self? How has it helped you so far in your life? I would love to hear from you about your experiences. Please leave a comment about your experience in the comments section below at the bottom of the page. (click on ‘view comments’)

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  • I have been on my journey for a few years. I am in union with my twin flame. I truly appreciate all of your words. One of the Most difficult things for me, was not having anyone to talk to you. I didn’t trust anyone on the Internet, I sure as heck wasn’t Going to pay. This is probably what you are referring to, because something I felt I knew it was wrong to look outside of myself. I started to meditate and annotate often! Things started to truly begin to change. As far as my twin flame, we talk or text every day. He is married with children. He loves me very very muchYes, it has its challenges being awakened and he is still in 3-D. Then again it could be kind of fun sometimes LOL about a month ago, I did my first guided meditation to higher self. Would happen to me then, has changed everything. I remember laying and feeling almost lifted it and seeing shimmering golden all around me. Only for a second or two, while at least that’s how it felt. The next morning I woke up and everything was jumping out at me. I don’t watch the news or follow politics. But I was kidding all of these words coming to me and I was researching them, not knowing what the heck I was doing writing everything down. Turns out it was the universe informing me and what the heck is going on in this world. I literally have things written down That I learned researching has happened. I dream a lot about a white room or flying like a hawk. A couple of days ago, after Meditating before bed, I heard a bell rain.
    I have had a plain white canvas, with a little hole that opens just a sneak peek beautiful well trees water, then it closes. I don’t know much about steer kite/angels. I do believe that everybody has their own specific twin flame journey and the key to the journey is spiritual awakening. Again, it is easier being there we can twin in Harter sometime. I just feel with my heart mind that my ego mind. For the record, the eagle is very very little. Does that mean I’m living with my higher Self? Sometimes even when I talk, it’s extremely different. My kids they are all adults. Sometimes when I talk they say can you repeat that. I said I have no idea what I just said. It’s like they want to take notes or something. I have always had pretty good intuition on good or misguided people. I never judge, everyone has their own story. I just said yesterday, that I wish I could learn more about what is actually happening and what to do with this information I am receiving. Being in union with my twin flame is the most amazing feeling! I am balanced. I gowithin and I’ve never felt anything so blissful . Do I sound crazy? Or is this all pretty normal to spiritual waking?

  • Thank you Pradnya for your guidance and clear explanations; it is good to know I am not going crazy!
    I had always felt that there was more to life than just the physical/manifested, that everything was connected by energy, but was never comfortable with standard religions. Seven years ago I was in a very difficult place emotionally; I was severely depressed and didn’t know what to do. . I could feel there was something inside me that needed to be expressed but I couldn’t just *think* it through or discuss it with anyone. I started writing in a journal. It’s difficult to begin, but I would just write notes on the weather,my horses, what I had been doing and gradually things would start to flow. I just wrote whatever came out of my hand – sometimes whole sentences and clear thoughts, sometimes just a single word, question marks, a quotation from somewhere. Quite often I would finish with “now what does that all mean?” I never feel I have to work out a solution. I just write. After a while, a few days, or weeks, sometimes months, I re-read and see a pattern or realise that something from a while ago has resolved itself or become clear. I also meditate (particularly Yoga Nidra and The Inner Counsel). Over time it has become easier to separate the ego “shoulds” and “wants” from the instinctive, intuitive, gut “knowing”. I feel now as if I am beginning to come into integrity.

  • Thank you for this article! I agree with every word. Sometimes out of the blue I hear in my mind exact words that I should write to my Twin.

  • Very helpful Ma’am. With disecting its easier to differentiate between the ego’s judgemental thoughts vs the simple thought nudges that, but how to know whether thought simple nudges are a voice from higher self only and not from our own latent desires?

    • Thanks Umesh for your feedback. With practice. That is the only way to master the skill of listening to your higher self. Start with trusting what comes. slowly you will know.

  • Hello maam….

    Thanks for this…. but still not too clear about the last bit about the frequency and ego ….
    Is it possible to say that in simpler words 🙏🏾

      • HI,
        I have had three near-death experiences and have constant conscious discussions with spirits and orbs. I always make them identify them self and make sure they are from the light. If when you ask them to identify themselves and there is silence. Remove them right away.
        My twin flame who lived a double life, a dark life and the side he presented and lied to me about. well when I called him on what I knew he went biserk and wanted me dead for over a year until he resigned himself. In the mean time he became in tune and we have had astral projection sex through the pandemic. Not just sex, it is weird you can feel the love.
        Thank you for your insight.

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