20-24 April 2024
5 Days, 4 Nights
Talks, Meditations, Activations
Sharjah, UAE
The shift is taking place and the Twin Flame collective is now moving into the period of physically connecting with each other. Many Twin Flames are awakening, going through a certain inner journey, work on themselves, hold unconditional love for their twin flame and come into energetic alignment with them and then anchor the energy of union inside you and around you.
This is highly significant for the ascension of the planet. We are strengthening the energetic grids – horizontally on earth as well as cosmically as we continue on the path of Ascension.
This retreat was the first step into coming to the Zero Point! ..and much more to come.
The potential you provided for ascension was mind blowing. I can’t comprehend how you held that energy for such continuous durations. It was so powerful. The willingness and receptivity of each one of us plays a role in how much one assimilates…but it definitely is a shift for all of us.
The whole flow was so meticulously executed. The closing meditation was like summary of the entire retreat. It was so beautiful! Anja is such a beautiful full of life, pure like a child and she was balancing you in harmony.
Lots of love to you both. Lots of respect and gratitude. I will carry the frequencies you held for us here to my place and always anchor it within me.” 🌟🙏🤝
Did we all meet only for 4 days altogether? Seems like living in a different tineline than the one I was on till 19th April. Everything is changed. Feels like a new era! Having laughed, cried, held hands, heard and understood by my brothers and sisters from across the world does not seem anything less than a dream to me even now.
This retreat was clearly a grand success, kudos to you guys for making it so so natural and yet so powerful. Strangers I just met understood my deepest problems more than my parents, spouse and best friends!🌞 Pradnyaa and Anja, you really have no idea what you have given us for life. I am sure I’ll remember the sky room in the last days of my life. But then before that I have this miracle of life to live, love and share.
This is surely a beginning to many such powerful physical divine feminine coming together! Thanks for this life changing experience. I already feel levelled up. The feeling of groundedness this meet brought is beyond words.”
The retreat has been transformative for me. I think it has mostly to do with the coming together of this set of people. I felt within a day, I had received what I had come for, but the gifts continued to come.
I got a lot of value from the meditations you lead. The roof meditation was extremely powerful. I received many more pieces to puzzle that is unfolding. And I received these in the most unusual ways. I also received signals regarding a mission. I need to sit with this for some time to see how this develops.”
You have the perfect intuition for running the retreat. Thank you for everything.
Anja Schäfer
Meet our lovely soul sister Anja Schäfer from Germany, who is a twin flame and has been consciously on her soul mission since she met her spiritual mentor, the Venusian Omnec Onec 30 years ago. The two soul friends are united by their common mission to support the Transformation of the Earth to a higher vibrational frequency. Anja anchors the worldwide transmission of the Venusian teachings through books, lectures, and videos. She brings an amazing spiritual information that will surely be something to look forward to in this retreat, to help you on your journey!
Pradnya Pandit
Probably you already know Pradnyaa through her Quora answers, or YouTube videos or through her book, however those who don’t know her, Pradnyaa has been sharing about her twin flame experience and spiritual journey for the past 6 years and has been quite known in the twin flame spiritual community. Coming from the background and understanding of Indian spirituality and through her profound insights and experiences, she hand-holds thousands of people worldwide who are going through twin flame and awakening experiences.