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10 Signs – to know if someone is your Twin Flame - Awaken with Pradnyaa

10 Signs – to know if someone is your Twin Flame

This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Determining or validating a Twin Flame connection is certainly not about ticking a list of things and saying – “YES!! All the things I ticked and hence this person is my twin flame!!!” — It is not really that simple.

Determining this connection is a PROCESS, and it can take time. As you go along, you would be able to connect the dots backwords with what you experienced and at some point you will know in your gut 100% if this someone is your twin flame.

My question to you is, are you looking at your story with all your senses open?
That confirmation, if that person is your twin flame or not, can only and only be confirmed by YOU!!

However, here are some parameters which can help:

  1. Unexplained feeling of not giving up on him/her: My twin hated me at first and hurt me several times. In spite of deciding many times, I could never give up on him. I could never hate him. I always felt from inside that he would come to me one day.
  2. Feeling him/her around all the time
  3. Amazing synchronicities: The moment I decided not to get into him anymore and follow my own life path, within half an hour he came to me and talked to me as a friend. (Which he didn’t do for 5 years.) Another example is: I wanted to speak to him badly, being in another country not speaking him for years and he called me in 20 minutes, just like that. No reason to call.
  4. Spiritual growth – This may vary case to case as everyone stands at a different spiritual maturity. But what is most common in all is the spiritual awakening will happen and you will start waking up to many different aspects of your life, you will be drawn to spiritual subjects, start questioning yourself about more deeper things like – why are you here, what is your purpose, what are souls and so on.
  5. Dreams – is also a key factor in this connection. You will see/feel your twin flame in your dreams – these dreams will either validate your thought, guide you – will show you what you need to work on.
  6. Your story will keep advancing not only by your feelings and actions, but also your twin’s. Twin flame boat can not be rowed by one twin. Another person also will be (knowingly or unknowingly) significantly involved in putting a milestone to your journey.
  7. Overwhelming sense of un-conditional love for him. (Even if they hate you, you love them.)
  8. You keep coming across each other, no matter how many times you were separated or disconnected.
  9. Strong sense of inner knowing that he/she is part of you
  10. You will be guided by the divine. You will feel many times that some third positive force is guiding you.
*Caution: If at all you arrived to this term twin flame – but searching on the internet and got overwhelmed by the loads of information available there about TFs, and started feeling that someone was your twin flame, please do not derive to any conclusion till you are 100% sure about it.

Originally Answered October 19, 2017

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  • Thank you for all you share! So happy to have found you and i love your very down-to-earth realistic spirituality, it helps alot. My question is: should i tell about our relation to him, or my experience? Is it necessary for our evolving? Or does he know – maybe unconsciously, about our connection? I have tried to mention it, but the response was very clearly negative. So i have chosen to respect his stance and to somewhat trust that we are being guided and led by the divine to our union in due time.

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